Independent book publisher, founded in 1921, specialized in quality children's books, picture books, juvenile novels and classics, poetry and travelling journals.
Publisher profile: Uitgeverij Holland
We publish a diverse range of high quality picture books and non-fiction/fiction for international co-edition.
Publisher profile: Van Goor
episode publishers are Holland's latest publishers of books on art, culture, architecture and science. episode books seek to enact, reflect and explore the dialogue between these areas.
Publisher profile: episode publishers
High quality picture books, poetry and some non-fiction for children, all available for worldwide co-edition.
Publisher profile: Zirkoon Publishing
Amsterdam Publishers is the biggest International Publisher of Holocaust Memoirs in Europe, specializing in Holocaust Memoirs by Survivors and by Biographies written by 2nd and 3rd generation Survivors.
Publisher profile: Amsterdam Publishers
Publishers of Books and Digital Media
Publisher profile: Creative Storytellers