Italian publisher experts on health care, medicine, ethics and medical code of ethics, rights to health (books, journals, electronic and multimedia publishing).
Publisher profile: C. G. Edizioni Medico Scientifiche
Professional picture library of art, architecture, archaeology, photography, film, design & travel for reproduction. Digital images & transparencies. Publishers of illustrated art books and guides, e-books. Exclusive worldwide representatives for image licensing of the MoMA, New York, the Musée d...
Publisher profile: Scala Group S.p.A.
Coccole e Caccole publishes books for kids and by kids. A young publishing house supported by fresh Italian illustrators and authors. This allows them to put a new range of high quality and new styling picture books.
Publisher profile: Edizioni Coccole E Caccole
Publishing house and printer, specialised in large-size photo books, art books, books on architecture, coffetable books, mainly on Venice and Italian topics.
Publisher profile: Grafiche Vianello Vianello Libri Publishing House
Reference books, biographies, economics, history, multimedia products for the foreign languages learning.
Publisher profile: Red Edizioni-Boroli Editore
thinking about international co-editing, augmented reality books
Publisher profile: Gugol Edizioni
Topipittori is four years old, and has published its first ten books (and more are coming). Topipittori produces picture books, with high quality texts and illustrations.
Publisher profile: Topipittori
The Italian publisher who can supply paths of Italian culture in English: Italian authors mainly, focused on philosophy, psychology, education, management, social and human sciences. All books available through our e-commerce website too.
Publisher profile: IPOC di Pietro Condemi
High quality children's picture books and fiction. Age 4-12.
Publisher profile: Edizioni Arka srl
Picture books, art, periodicals. Age group: 5-10, 10-15, over 15. European Art magazine for children from 6 to 106 years old! Fairy tales, experiences and games to approach art, poetry and fiction.
Publisher profile: Edizioni Artebambini Snc