E-Book Publishers of Italy

Listing 21 to 30 of 35 E-Book publishers listed in the Italian publishers directories

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C. G. Edizioni Medico Scientifiche

Torino, Italy

Italian publisher experts on health care, medicine, ethics and medical code of ethics, rights to health (books, journals, electronic and multimedia publishing).

Publisher profile: C. G. Edizioni Medico Scientifiche

Scala Group S.p.A.

Florence, Italy

Professional picture library of art, architecture, archaeology, photography, film, design & travel for reproduction. Digital images & transparencies. Publishers of illustrated art books and guides, e-books. Exclusive worldwide representatives for image licensing of the MoMA, New York, the Musée d...

Publisher profile: Scala Group S.p.A.

Edizioni Coccole E Caccole

Belvedere Marittimo, Italy

Coccole e Caccole publishes books for kids and by kids. A young publishing house supported by fresh Italian illustrators and authors. This allows them to put a new range of high quality and new styling picture books.

Publisher profile: Edizioni Coccole E Caccole

Grafiche Vianello Vianello Libri Publishing House

Ponzano Veneto, Italy

Publishing house and printer, specialised in large-size photo books, art books, books on architecture, coffetable books, mainly on Venice and Italian topics.

Publisher profile: Grafiche Vianello Vianello Libri Publishing House

Red Edizioni-Boroli Editore

Milano, Italy

Reference books, biographies, economics, history, multimedia products for the foreign languages learning.

Publisher profile: Red Edizioni-Boroli Editore

Gugol Edizioni

Vicenza, Italy

thinking about international co-editing, augmented reality books

Publisher profile: Gugol Edizioni


Milano, Italy

Topipittori is four years old, and has published its first ten books (and more are coming). Topipittori produces picture books, with high quality texts and illustrations.

Publisher profile: Topipittori

IPOC di Pietro Condemi

Vimodrone, Italy

The Italian publisher who can supply paths of Italian culture in English: Italian authors mainly, focused on philosophy, psychology, education, management, social and human sciences. All books available through our e-commerce website too.

Publisher profile: IPOC di Pietro Condemi

Edizioni Arka srl

Milano, Italy

High quality children's picture books and fiction. Age 4-12.

Publisher profile: Edizioni Arka srl

Edizioni Artebambini Snc

Bazzano, Italy

Picture books, art, periodicals. Age group: 5-10, 10-15, over 15. European Art magazine for children from 6 to 106 years old! Fairy tales, experiences and games to approach art, poetry and fiction.

Publisher profile: Edizioni Artebambini Snc

35 publishers in the the directory of e-book publishing companies of Italy
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