Criticism Publishers' Directory

Listing 21 to 30 of 121 Criticism publishing companies

Page 3 of 13 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of criticism publishers. To view a list of criticism publishing companies by country please select a country.

Skylight Press

Cheltenham, United Kingdom

A Small independent British publisher specialising in literary fiction, drama and poetry, advanced horticulture and the esoteric.

Publisher profile: Skylight Press
List of other Criticism publishers in United Kingdom

Mercier Press

Blackrock, Ireland

An independent Irish publisher with more than 250 titles in print. Titles include history, politics, current affairs, mind, body, spirit, folklore, humour, fiction and children's books.

Publisher profile: Mercier Press
List of other Criticism publishers in Ireland

Four Winds Journal & Books of Interest

Orenda Healing International, a 501.c.3 based in Santa Fe NM since 1993, publishes books of interest and Four Winds Journal (three times a year) through our publishing company, Winds of Change Press.

Publisher profile: Four Winds Journal & Books of Interest

Grup 62

Barcelona, Spain

Grup 62, with a total of 18 publishing imprints, covers the full range of literary genres and all types of publishing. It publishes Catalan and Spanish authors and translations of the works of foreign writers. It has a specific division for children’s and juvenile books.

Publisher profile: Grup 62
List of other Criticism publishers in Spain

All Prints Distributors & Publishers s.a.l.

Beirut, Lebanon

All Prints Distributors and Publishers is one of the leading publishing houses in the Arab World and Middle East region. Operating out of Beirut since 1969 we are solidly established in the Arab Gulf region, the Levant, and North Africa. Our publications encompass a variety of topics and genres, ...

Publisher profile: All Prints Distributors & Publishers s.a.l.
List of other Criticism publishers in Lebanon

a+mbookstore edizioni

Milano, Italy

Contemporary Art books. Catalogues and Artists' books, Essayes and Monographies

Publisher profile: a+mbookstore edizioni
List of other Criticism publishers in Italy

Les Impressions Nouvelles

Bruxelles, Belgium

Créées en 1985, les Impressions Nouvelles ont publié plus de 150 livres dont certains sont devenus des classiques. Elles publient depuis 2002 une vingtaine de livres par an, mélangeant fictions, essais et romans graphiques.

Publisher profile: Les Impressions Nouvelles
List of other Criticism publishers in Belgium

Chelsea House Publishers

New York, United States

Chelsea House Publishers, and it's Bloom Literary Criticism imprint, publish outstanding print resources for students from ages 10 and up.

Publisher profile: Chelsea House Publishers
List of other Criticism publishers in United States


Sovremenost is the oldest Macedonian magazine for literature, culture and art, and thus, one of the oldest publishers in the country.“Sovremenost” has a rich publishing history that incorporates a wide variety of books from both domestic and foreign authors.

Publisher profile: Sovremenost

Italian Paths of Culture

Milano, Italy

Italian Paths of Culture (IPOC) Press publishes and promotes books by prominent Italian and Italian-American authors. IPOC, which selects authors and titles that enable readers to understand, evaluate and improve their world, works exclusively with authors who are experts in their fields. IPOC, w...

Publisher profile: Italian Paths of Culture
List of other Criticism publishers in Italy

121 publishers in the the directory of criticism publishing companies

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