Italy's most international publishing house, operating in 30 countries. De Agostini output includes illustrated books for children, products for school, serialised magazines and maps along-side books are multimedia packages for a public.
Publisher profile: De Agostini Editore spa
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy
Company specialized in Italian books on art and architecture.
Publisher profile: Libro Co. Italia Srl
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy
Hong Kong-based press with literary, historical and general titles: publishes local and international authors, administers two annual international literary prizes. Holds two annual literary events. Youtube channel. Books available internationally and locally. Welcomes new and experienced writers.
Publisher profile: Proverse Hong Kong
As part of our growth strategy for 2020, we are looking for writers of historical romance, historical fiction, contemporary romance, quirky romance, romantic suspense and romantic fiction of all types. It goes without saying the storylines must be commercial. See our submissions page for more detail
Publisher profile: Antonia Tingle
List of other Italian language publishers in United Kingdom
Texts in Italian as a foreign language. Easy readers for beginners, intermediate and advanced students, grammar and didactic materials.
Publisher profile: Alma Edizioni srl
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy
School books (grammars, courses, exams, graded readers, literature) and audiovisual materials for primary school up to university. English as foreign language, French, Spanish, German, Italian as foreign languages.
Publisher profile: Black Cat-CIDEB Editrice
List of other Italian language publishers in United Kingdom
Publishing House specialized in Scandinavian and Dutch literature both classic and contemporary.
Publisher profile: Iperborea Srl.
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy
Canada's oldest and largest scholarly publisher. Areas of interest include medieval/renaissance studies, Canadian history and politics, philosophy, sociology, political science, cultural studies, book history, anthropology, and Italian studies.
Publisher profile: University of Toronto Press
List of other Italian language publishers in Canada
Photography, illustrated books, monographs. Contrasto, founded in Italy in 1995, has become a leading publisher of superior photography books. Its mission is to create, publish, and distribute the finest in photographic culture around the world.
Publisher profile: Contrasto
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy
Fiction and non-fiction, children's books, religious books.
Publisher profile: Edizioni Piemme SpA
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy