Hardback and paperback publishers of fiction and non-fiction for children and young adults in Portuguese. Children's Book (age 1-7) and juvenile fiction (age 8-15).
Publisher profile: Editora Biruta Ltda
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Brazil
Joint exhibit of publishers from Brazil.
Publisher profile: Fundação Nacional Do Livro Infantil E Juvenil - Fnlij Brazilian Section Of International Board On Books For Young People
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Brazil
Portuguese main authors and literary translated fiction and non-fiction, general and social sciences, universitary, dictionaries and reference books, pocket books, children's books.
Publisher profile: Dom Quixote
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Portugal
Principia Editora is an independent Portuguese publishing house whose activity is focused on different editorial areas through several imprints: Principia (academic, scientific and technical books and journals), Lucerna (religion, catholic oriented), Sete Mares (nautical and sports; travel), Casa...
Publisher profile: Principia Editora, Lda.
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Portugal
A assessoria de imprensa da Globo Livros auxilia o trabalho dos jornalistas interessados em publicar reportagens e resenhas sobre os livros da editora.
Publisher profile: Globo
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Brazil
ELI stands for European Language Institute and it is one of the main European educational publishers with offices in Italy and UK. ELI specialises in coursebooks, complementary and supplementary materials (magazines, readers, activity and puzzle books, civilization books, language games, posters,...
Publisher profile: Eli Publishing Ltd.
List of other Portuguese language publishers in United Kingdom
PMPH-USA is a small, growing, and dynamic international publisher which provides clinical and reference textbooks for physicians, specialized clinicians, librarians, and students. We provide essnetial information for medical professionals in print and electronic formats, including textbooks, CD-R...
Publisher profile: PMPH-USA
List of other Portuguese language publishers in United States
Nonsuch Media Pte. Ltd. is an independent publisher base in Singapore. Our inclusive range of services provides an opportunity to anyone who wants to share their ideas with a global audience. We publish books and ebooks in multiple languages including English, Portuguese, and more.
Publisher profile: Nonsuch Media Pte. Ltd.
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Singapore
We are a Publisher working with new authors and a cultural magazine, called Revista Cultural Novitas (portuguese only).
Publisher profile: Editora Novitas
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Brazil
Publisher profile: Caleidoscópio, edição e artes gráficas, SA
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Portugal