Greek Language Publishers

Listing 41 to 50 of 68 Greek langauge publishing companies

Page 5 of 7 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of greek publishers. To view a list of greek langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including Greek books, Greek e-books, Greek magazines, Greek newspapers...

Armida Publications

Nicosia, Cyprus

The island's most dynamic independent publisher. Global distribution network, recipient of International Awards for great literature, pioneer in exporting Cypriot literature abroad.

Publisher profile: Armida Publications
List of other Greek language publishers in Cyprus

Leiden University Press

Leiden, Netherlands

Leiden University Press is the publisher of the finest scholarly books with a focus on (Leiden Excellent Research) Humanities, South Asia, history, languages,culture, archeology, law & development. Leiden University Pressalso publishes e-journals, text books and trade academic books.

Publisher profile: Leiden University Press
List of other Greek language publishers in Netherlands

Crete University Press

Information about publisher, non-Greek and bilingual editions, e-shop, contact information

Publisher profile: Crete University Press

Nova Vista Publishing

Portland, United States

Business, economics, music & nature books with global success. Sales, leadership, innovation, social styles, careers, customer service. Corky Siegel's Let Your Music Soar puts emotion and dynamics in your music. Color-photo books on wolves and deer.

Publisher profile: Nova Vista Publishing
List of other Greek language publishers in United States

Corfu, Greece

Born in 1968 in Corfu I was, from a very young age, impressed by the power and the mystery from the colours of the sea, the movements in the skies and the natural life of the island.

Publisher profile:
List of other Greek language publishers in Greece

Papazisis Publishers

Athens, Greece

Papazisis Publishers is a leading publishing house of scientific books, periodicals and serials. For over 80 years, Papazisis Publishers while being one of the largest and oldest publishing companies in Greece, has maintained a tradition of excellence in publications -both traditionally and onlin...

Publisher profile: Papazisis Publishers
List of other Greek language publishers in Greece

Publishing House Pelican - FACTOR

Kharkov, Ukraine

Publishing the books for children of all ages, adult and business literature. Wonderfully illustrated fairy tales for young children and teenagers.

Publisher profile: Publishing House Pelican - FACTOR
List of other Greek language publishers in Ukraine

Fytraki Publications

Greek publisher specializing in dictionaries, general reference books, literature and social science publications.

Publisher profile: Fytraki Publications


ATHENS, Greece

General publications, history, politics, social sciences, and the monthly magazine Athinaios Politis.

Publisher profile: D. PELECANOS PUBLISHING
List of other Greek language publishers in Greece

Themelio Publications Ltd.

Athens, Greece

History, social & political sciences, literature, art.

Publisher profile: Themelio Publications Ltd.
List of other Greek language publishers in Greece

68 publishers in the the directory of greek langauge publishing companies

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