Trinity Hills Publishing is a recognized global brand and a top player in the world of book publishing.
Publisher profile: Trinity Hills Publishing
Histria Books publishes general interest books, fiction and literature, and children’s books, as well as academic books in broad range of categories with a focus on history. Its imprints include Gaudium, Addison & Highsmith, Histria Kids, Vita Histria, and the Center for Romanian Studies.
Publisher profile: Histria Books
White Digital Media is a global media company offering a diverse portfolio of interactive digital publications, websites and newsletters that cater to a B2B, senior level audience in various industries and territories worldwide.
Publisher profile: White Digital Media
Nite-Writer's International Literary Arts Journal is dedicated to the "emotional intellectual with a creative perception of life."We are open to beginners as well as professionals. *"...the difference between a professional writer and an amateur lies not in the writing profession's external trapp...
Publisher profile: Nite-Writers International Literary Arts Journal
Merpoint Publishing, LLC is a privately owned English-language publishing and distribution company dedicated to providing the best in fiction and nonfiction to consumers. Specializing in the digital format and always focusing on technological innovations in the digital publishing market, Merpoint...
Publisher profile: Merpoint Publishing, LLC