Bilingual dictionaries in 16 languages, travel related references, educational textbooks, audio, and travel guides.
Publisher profile: Langenscheidt Publishers, Inc
Publisher of high quality children's books for all ages including award-winning picture books, board books, multicultural and non-fiction for older children. Books available in 16 language.
Publisher profile: Star Bright Books
NICOTEXT is a design group that harvests fresh ideas in the areas of humor, culture and entertainment around the globe. With the goal of creating new and innovative book projects, the company creates happy books for happy people!.
Publisher profile: Nicotext
Atlases, maps, physical and political wall maps of the USA and other parts of the world, mini globes, and educational charts.
Publisher profile: Hammond World Atlas Corporation
One of the best Chinese learning program for K-12 grades in the USA. Programs include books, dictionaries, CDs, CD-ROMs, and online support.
Publisher profile: US International Publishing Inc
Atlases, maps, business maps, business control atlas, zip code atlas, physical & political maps of the USA & other parts of the world, state and regional road maps for the entire US.
Publisher profile: American Map Corporation