Directory of Publishers & Publishing Service Providers in South Korea
Find South Korean publishing houses & South Korean publishing service companies by categories
Publishers in South Korea: 50 | Publishing Services companies in South Korea: 22
You can also find publishers of business books in South Korea, South Korean publishers of children's books, publishers of religious books in South Korea and more [full list of subjects here]. You can also find South Korean publishing services companies: Literary Agents of South Korea, Self Publishing companies of South Korea, Printers in South Korea and more [full list of services here]
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Publishers in South Korea by category:
By Media: E-Book, Book, Newspaper, Magazine, Digital Content, Journal, Map, Audio Book...
By Subject: Children's, Science, Education, Literature, Fiction, Text, Academic, Language...
By Languages: Korean, English, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Japanese, Persian, Russian...
By Publisher Cities: Seoul, Anyang-si, Daejeon...
Service providers in South Korea by category:
By Service: Literary Agencies, Rights Agencies, Translation, Printing, Book Printing, Content Licensing, Pre-press, Information...
By Supplier Cities: Seoul, Paju...
Map of Publishers & Publishing Service Providers in South Korea
Categories in the publishing services directory of South Korea: [Sorted by number of services providers ]
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