We represent French authors for publication rights and the sale of their works to other countries. Besides our own catalog, we represent other agencies: Spanish RDC Literary Agency in France and Italy; Brazilian Agência Riff in Spain, Portugal and France; and some authors of the publishing house Rag Language for publication rights in several languages. Together with the Swiss Liiepman Agency, we handle the rights of the Anne Frank Foundation.
Over the years we have opened the way to France (first and then to other countries) to authors like Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Elvira Lindo, Soledad Puértolas, Espido Freire, Lucía Etxebarría, Elia Barceló, Pablo Tusset, Juan Manuel de Prada, Carmen Posadas, Juan José Millas, Ian Gibson, Federico Andahazi, Laura Esquivel and Ángeles Mastretta, among others.
We began representing our own writers with the Cuban author Zoé Valdés. We broadened this representation with the addition of other Latin American writers such as Héctor Abad and Roberto Burgos Cantor, both Colombian; Carmen Boullosa and Joaquín Guerreo-Casasola, Mexican; Francisco Coloane, Jaime Collyer, Jorge Guzmán and Lina Meruane, all Chilean; the Cuban authors Pedro Juan Gutiérrez and Carlos Victoria; Rolo Diez, Myriam Laurini, Raúl Argemí and Carlos Salem, all Argentinian; Amalia Decker and Juan Claudio Lechín, Bolivians; Juan David Morgan, Panamanian and Fernando Aguirre, Uruguaian, among others.
A.M.V. Agencia Literaria S.L. is listed under the following publishing services categories: Literary Agencies
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Maldonads 928005 MadridMadridSpain
Phone number(s): + 34 36 42 92, + 34 91 3 65 25 16
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