Publisher profile: plusDA Publishers
List of other Foreign language publishers in United States
Publisher of language books, consumer guides, and educational learning materials (print copy, Audio (Mp3) & Audio CD-ROM's. New release: 7 Weeks to a Better American Accent for Native Mandarin Speakers - Volume 1
Publisher profile: Sovereign Language Press
List of other Foreign language publishers in United States
Educational publishers. Specialists in motivational language teaching materials. English as a Foreign Language (EFL) for world markets.
Publisher profile: Brookemead Associates Ltd.
List of other Foreign language publishers in United Kingdom
Publishers of illustrated books, children's encyclopedias, illustrated reference and general reference books. Distributor to all English language markets and facilitators of English and foreign language editions worldwide.
Publisher profile: McLaren-Wilco Publishing
List of other Foreign language publishers in United Kingdom
Oxford University Press (T) Limited is a leading publishing company in the country. we have all books categories from local curriculum (primary to secondary) and higher learn. you all welcome.
Publisher profile: Oxford University Press Tanzania
List of other Foreign language publishers in Tanzania