Audio Book Publishers

Listing 111 to 114 of 114 Audio book publishing companies

Page 12 of 12 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of audio book publishers. To view a list of audio book publishing companies by country please select a country.

Narkaling Inc Audio Books - Education Resources

Slow speed audio books containing a print copy of the book, nonfiction and fiction, concentrating on Australian fiction and Aboriginal titles.

Publisher profile: Narkaling Inc Audio Books - Education Resources

Elven Press

Santa Clara County, United States

Elven Press is a small fiction publisher that focuses on middle grade, young adult, and romance.

Publisher profile: Elven Press
List of other Audio book publishers in United States

BK Books

Coleford, United Kingdom

Children's book publisher based in the UK. Specialise in animated interactiveCD-ROM and audio books at highly competitive prices.

Publisher profile: BK Books
List of other Audio book publishers in United Kingdom

Pendragon Connect

Bielefeld, Germany

Agentur für Kulturmarketing und Vermittlung von Events und kulturellen Veranstaltungen, für Literatur, Kunst und Musik. Audio Books.

Publisher profile: Pendragon Connect
List of other Audio book publishers in Germany

114 publishers in the the directory of audio book publishing companies

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