Edimat libros is a firm that specializes in publishing children's and general interest books. It prints titles under two names: Edimat and Estudio Didáctico. Edimat focuses on popular titles for adults, with a variety of books in formats ranging from pocket to coffe-table books. Estudio Didáctico...
Publisher profile: Edimat Libros S.A.
ACV is to the creation and implementation of communications strategies, the development of original promotional products and the publishing of special trade and premium books.
Publisher profile: ACV Ediciones
Edición de enciclopedias y diccionarios en formato libros, CD/DVD y online
Publisher profile: Durvan, S.A. De Ediciones
Ttarttalo is specialised in three subjects-children's books, cooking books, basque country history books (historial novels, essay, investigation books, fiction books).
Publisher profile: Ttarttalo S L
Publish company specialized in army background, military history and aircrafts profiles. Firma spezialisiert auf Armeehintergrund, militärische Geschichten und Flugzeugprofile.
Publisher profile: Alcañiz y Fresnos, S.A.