Publishing house dedicated to science and philosophy. We aim to make accessible complex scientific concepts and help decipher social issues, by publishing essays, reference books, educational manuals, as well as fiction and popular science, and, since recently, children books.
Publisher profile: Editions Le Pommier
History / biographies, cinema and media historical novels.
Publisher profile: Nouveau Monde Editions
Romans grand public, aventures, policiers, science fiction, documents, mémoires, ouvrages de guerre.
Publisher profile: Presses de la Cité Place des Editeurs
Spécialités: arts, architecture, urbanisme, photograpie, musiques, sciences humaines. Collections: 'Eupalinos' 'Diasporales' 'Parcours Méditeranéens'
Publisher profile: Editions Parenthèses
We create and distribute : audiobooks, synchronized (text and audio) books and e-books.For CD we have a secondary website : -
Publisher profile:
Ouvrages et revues de science politique, histoire, économie, développement durable, santé.
Publisher profile: Presses de Sciences Po
Crée en 1857, Fayard dispose d'un vaste cattalogue de 4000 titres: Littérature classique et contemporaine. Sciences Humaines. Histoire. Sciences. Musique. Spiritualités. Imprints: Pauvert. 1001 nuits Magazine.
Publisher profile: Librairie Artheme Fayard
Publisher of high quality illustrated books on photography and art, artists books, art and science books, photo journalism.
Publisher profile: Editions Xavier Barral
Independent publisher of modern fiction and non-fiction, l'Atalante attaches a great importance to the artistic presentation of its books. Main editorial lines: Literature, science fiction, fantasy, thriller, theatre and social sciences.
Publisher profile: L'Atalante
Medicine, environment, law, human sciences and science (biology, ecology, history).
Publisher profile: Editions Frison-Roche