SAGE is a leading independent, academic and professional publisher of innovative, high-quality content. Known for our commitment to quality and innovation, SAGE has helped inform and educate a global community of scholars, practitioners, researchers, and students across a broad range of subject area
Publisher profile: SAGE Publications Inc
List of other Law publishers in United States
Wolters Kluwer enables legal, tax, finance, and healthcare professionals to be more effective and efficient. We provide information, software, and services that deliver vital insights, intelligent tools, and the guidance of subject-matter experts. We create value by combining information, deep...
Publisher profile: Wolters Kluwer
List of other Law publishers in Netherlands
The Directorate General of press and information was founded on June 7, 1920, under the directives of Atatürk and with the Law No 6. Its target is to promote public opinion in the country and aroad in line with the high interest of the nation.
Publisher profile: Basbakanlik Basin-Yayin Ve Enformasyon Gen.Müd
List of other Law publishers in Turkey
One of the largest Publisher in Turkey with many books ranging from novels to cartoons, Destek Publishing distinguishes itself with its swift digitalisation and best selling books. Destek Publishes more than 10 books a month.
Publisher profile: Destek Publishing
List of other Law publishers in Turkey
Established over 12 years ago, Hart Publishing now has over 650 titles in print. Our list spans the entire range of legal studies, with particularly strong lists in European law, competition law, international law and legal theory.
Publisher profile: Hart Publishing
List of other Law publishers in United Kingdom
Taxmann is a leading law publisher of India; specializing in taxation and corporate law books.Taxmann has an impressive tally of book titles on Direct Tax Laws, Indirect Tax Laws, Corporate Laws, Business Laws, accounts and audit, banking, finance and management. Taxmann’s books are meant for bot...
Publisher profile: Taxmann Publications pvt. Ltd.
List of other Law publishers in India
Leading international publishers of academic books, journals and electronic media in the humanities, science, interna tional law and human rights. Imprints: VSP, Hotei and Martinus Nijhoff.
Publisher profile: Brill
List of other Law publishers in Netherlands
The UK's leading independent law publisher. Has a wide selection of titles. Well known as publisher of major works in family and company law. Publishes in both traditional and electronic format.
Publisher profile: Jordan Publishing Limited
List of other Law publishers in United Kingdom
At Self-Counsel Press, our goal is to provide high-quality business and legal self-help titles, authored by experts, but written in clear, easily understood language. We help others help themselves!.
Publisher profile: Self-Counsel Press Ltd
List of other Law publishers in Canada
An independent publisher on global issues and alternatives.
Publisher profile: Clarity Press, Inc.
List of other Law publishers in United States