Textbooks for primary and lower secondary schools. Supplementary school books.
Publisher profile: Alinea
List of other Danish language publishers in Denmark
Publishers of general fiction and non-fiction.
Publisher profile: People's Press
List of other Danish language publishers in Denmark
Psychology, psychiatry, education, reference books, social science, social welfare, philosophy, psychological and educational text material, scientific journals. Member of European Test Publishers Group.
Publisher profile: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag Danish Psychological Publishers
List of other Danish language publishers in Denmark
General fiction and non-fiction-poetry, children's books, educational books, craft and leisure books, practical handbooks, art books, self-help, psychology and spirituality books. Borgen's Bookclub: Books on body, mind and spirit.
Publisher profile: Borgen
List of other Danish language publishers in Denmark
Publishers of literary fiction, mysteries and suspense, non-fiction, subject areas: Educational and learning theories, psychology, philosophy, cultural science, health and spiritual development.
Publisher profile: Klim
List of other Danish language publishers in Denmark
Psychology, educational books, social research, the labour market and communication.
Publisher profile: Frydenlund
List of other Danish language publishers in Denmark
Publishers of general fiction and non-fiction, Danish and translated.
Publisher profile: Modtryk Forlaget
List of other Danish language publishers in Denmark
Major Danish publisher of publications for universities and professionals in the fields of law, business, economics, management and social sciences. A company of the association of Danish Lawyers and Economists.
Publisher profile: DJØF Publishing / Jurist OG Økonomforbundets Forlag
List of other Danish language publishers in Denmark
Building on the experience of making some of the finest globes in the world. Atmosphere Globemakers present a contemporary collection of globes manufactured with state of the art technology.
Publisher profile: Atmosphere Globemakers ApS
List of other Danish language publishers in Denmark
Aschehoug Fakta: Reference books. Sesam: Children's books and reference books. Aschehoug Fiktion: Adult fiction books. Athene: Literary fiction. Aschehoug Kulturredaktionen: Biographies, current affairs and narrative non-fiction.
Publisher profile: Aschehoug Dansk Forlag A/S
List of other Danish language publishers in Denmark