publishes a wide range of specialty literature,children's books,fiction books,translated fiction and non-fiction titles,educational literature
Publisher profile: Ustari Publishing
List of other Georgian language publishers in Georgia
Family Library LLC was established in 2009 and emerged the georgian market with biographies series,cookery,classics,geogrian famous poets and other fiction and non-fiction literature
Publisher profile: Family Library LLC
List of other Georgian language publishers in Georgia
Whether you are an established author, an aspiring author or a traditional publisher we can e publish your work within 30 days of submission to over 100 distributors including Apple iBookstore, Amazon, Android, Foyles, Tesco, Kobo, The Book Depository, WH Smiths covering a consumer market of over...
Publisher profile: GA&P ePublishing
List of other Georgian language publishers in United Kingdom
Priority interests of Saari Publishing are Georgian literature, translations, children's literature.
Publisher profile: Saari Publishing
List of other Georgian language publishers in Georgia