Firewire Publishing is a premier book printing company well-known for its expertise in crafting full-color hardcover books across various genres, including cookbooks, art books, interior design books, coffee-table books, and a variety of other projects demanding exceptional detail and production quality. Our headquarters are nestled in the vibrant city of Salt Lake City, UT, where our passionate team of professionals work hard to bring our clients' visions to life with precision, creativity, and dedication to excellence.
Firewire Publishing is listed under the following publishing services categories: Book Design, Book Printing, Ebook Production, Print Production, Printing, and Typesetting
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2650 S Decker Lake BlvdSte 103Salt Lake CityUtahUnited States84119
Phone number(s): + 1 801-819-6902
Firewire Publishing is listed in the directory of publishing services suppliers of United States. You can find similar suppliers in United States here: List of Book Designers in United States, List of Book Printing Companies in United States, List of Ebook Production Companies in United States, List of Print Production Companies in United States, and List of Printing Services Companies in United States
Some of the other prominent cities in United States for which we have publishing services companies in our database include: New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Beaverton, and Providence... See the list of all cities in United States for which we have publishing companies in our database here.
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