Unikatbücher, Kleinauflagen, Pressendrucke, Collagen und Zeichnungen zu Bildreihen und Mappenwerken mit dem individuellen Schwerpunkt Lyrik.
Publisher profile: Kaefertal-Presse
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Maple Tree Press specializes in non-fiction books for children that emphasize nature, science, and discovery. In the past few years, Maple Tree Press has expanded its list to include story-books, picture-biographies and sports.
Publisher profile: Maple Tree Press
List of other Map publishers in Canada
Books on African studies, magazines, periodicals, maps and travel books.
Publisher profile: Timbuktu Book Distribution
List of other Map publishers in Germany
Bücher im Handsatz und mit künstlerischer Druckgrafik zu zeitgenössischer und klassischer Dichtung. Mappenwerke, figürliche Druckgrafik.
Publisher profile: widukind-presse Dresden
List of other Map publishers in Germany