Architecture, urbanism, regional and town planning, landscape architecture and gardening.
Publisher profile: Architecta 21, S.L.
Editorial CCS (Central Catequética Salesiana) es propiedad de los Salesianos de España. Fue fundada en 1944. Nuestra editorial se ocupa de los temas relacionados con nuestros dos catálogos: la Educación, Intervención Social y la Catequesis Pastoral.
Publisher profile: Editorial CCS
Publisher of a wide variety of Spanish fiction and non-fiction books, with pioneering titles in self-help, astrology, and other esoteric themes. Also children's books, cook books and novelties. Offices in Madrid and throughout South America.
Publisher profile: Editorial EDAF, S.L.
Publishers of high quality, illustrated, large-format books for adults. Subject areas include: art, architecture, photography, travel books, maritime, nature and cooking.
Publisher profile: Lunwerg S.L.
Architecture, urbanism, regional and town planning, landscape architecture and gardening.
Publisher profile: Tanais Ediciones, S.A.