Norma Editorial is a Spanish comics publisher, with its headquarters in Barcelona.
Publisher profile: Norma Editorial S A
Tebeosfera is an open access periodical digital magazine created in 2001, dedicated to the study of media related to popular graphic culture, mainly comics and graphic humor, but also open to illustration, popular novels, cinema and games.
Publisher profile: Tebeosfera
Founded in 2018. We publish contemporary Spanish fiction (including new authors), but also foreign fiction, as well as finely produced ilustrated books. Topics we cover are travelling, nature, ecology, arts. Awarded with Best Edited Book of 2020 by Spanish Ministry of Culture.
Publisher profile: Ediciones Menguantes
Poetry publisher based in Madrid (Spain), dedicated to contemporary poetry.
Publisher profile: Editorial Poesía eres tú
The FGEE represents the Spanish Publishing Sector. The aims of the FGEE are: to represent , manage . enhace and defend the general interest of the Spanish Publishing Sector on a National, European and International Level.
Publisher profile: Federacion De Gremios De Editores De Espana (Fgee)
Grup 62, with a total of 18 publishing imprints, covers the full range of literary genres and all types of publishing. It publishes Catalan and Spanish authors and translations of the works of foreign writers. It has a specific division for children’s and juvenile books.
Publisher profile: Grup 62
Biography, cinema, essay, ethics, history, literature, philosophy, pedagogy, religion, spirituality, children's books.
Publisher profile: Ediciones Rialp, S.A.
Independent Children Publishing House focused on literary and illustration quality books.
Publisher profile: Narval Editores
Young publishing company established in 1985, with a cared catalogue.
Publisher profile: Maeva Ediciones
El título provisional de mi opúsculo es VENEZUELA XXI: La Revolución de la Estupidez (alrededor de 170 páginas, y 8 ilustraciones). Trata el tema de la estupidez (definida según la Real Academia) como una condición síquica que afecta gravemente el devenir histórico de Venezuela en el siglo XXI. O...
Publisher profile: Aguilar