mit Dankbarkeit und Freude kann der Deutsche Taschenbuch Verlag auf über fünf Jahrzehnte zurückblicken: mit besonderer Dankbarkeit auf die elf Gründerverlage sowie seinen ersten Verleger Heinz Friedrich und den genialen Schweizer Graphiker Celestino Piatti, mit Freude, weil es dem dtv gelungen is...
Publisher profile: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & CO.KG
Magink Publishing House is a multinational independent publishing company based in Germany. We publish children's picture books for kids from baby to teenager. Magink children's picture books are available around the world, both in German and in the English language.
Publisher profile: Magink Publishing House
Publisher profile: Ravensburger Buchverlag Otto Maier Gmbh
Publishers of fiction and non-fiction books for children and youngsters as well as illustrated children's books.
Publisher profile: Cbj Verlag
Aufbau Verlagsgruppe GmbH produces high quality children's picture books by outstanding internationally renowned artists and writers. Our book program also includes books seeking to introduce children to classical and modern art.
Publisher profile: Aufbau Verlagsgruppe Gmbh
Loewe was founded in 1863 and is one of the oldest and largest German publishing houses specializing in children's and juvenile literature. Since Volker Gondrom became publisher, Loewe has published books written by leading authors for avid children of all ages.
Publisher profile: Loewe Verlag Gmbh
Beltz & Gelberg have been publishing literature for children and young adults since 1971.
Publisher profile: Beltz & Gelberg
Verlag Antje Kunstmann is an independent publishing house founded in 1976 publishing international fiction and non-fiction as well as audio-books, illustrated and gift-books.
Publisher profile: Verlag Antje Kunstmann
Gerstenberg Verlag was founded in St. Petersburg in 1792, a few years later, the company moved to Hildesheim. Today's attractive book list includes children's literature as well as illustrated non-fiction titles for all age groups. Among the highlights of our attractive book list are, to name but...
Publisher profile: Gerstenberg Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
Einen besseren Standort als München kann es für arsEdition kaum geben. Wo Fortschritt und Geschichte so harmonisch koexistieren wie in der bayerischen Metropole, ist der richtige Platz, um mit viel Tatkraft und Herzblut Bücher entstehen zu lassen, in denen sich Originelles und Bewährtes mit Neuem...
Publisher profile: arsEdition GmbH