Jinnah Book House is a group of publications founded in 1987 with a dream to give quality education and up-to-date knowledge to the generations nationally and globally. JBH has a vision to improve the literacy rate in Pakistan though its diverse range of publications.
Publisher profile: Jinnah Group of Publications
Publishers of urdu fiction, literature, illustrated english, and history books.
Publisher profile: Sang-e-Meel Publications
Daily Talib is a Pakistani News Paper Running From the last 16 years
Publisher profile: Daily Talib
Auraq Publications is Pakistan's well functioning fast growing Publishing house, offers Self-Publishing and Print on Demand (POD) services. Auraq has been trusted not only by local writers but international Authors as well.
Publisher profile: Auraq Publications
we are Publishers of children books for last 10years. Publishing books for pre-primary and primary level books.
Publisher profile: Children Publications
Association for Academic Quality (AFAQ) is an independent, not for profit, ISO 9001:2000 certified and nationwide organization. AFAQ is established in 1999 with a view to promote quality education and assist educational institutions through its distinctive curriculum, comprehensive teacher traini...
Publisher profile: Assosiation for Academic Quality