Education Publishers' Directory of Denmark

Listing all 4 Education publishers listed in the Danish publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Denmark that are listed under 'Education Publishers. Remove 'Denmark' filter to see all education publishers' directory. Remove 'Education' filter to see the list of all Danish publishers


Copenhagen, Denmark

Psychology, educational books, social research, the labour market and communication.

Publisher profile: Frydenlund

Akademisk Forlag

Copenhagen, Denmark

Akademisk Forlag is a publisher of professional literature and textbooks primarily for the college and university level. Main subject areas are psychology, psychiatry, health, nursing, medicine and education.

Publisher profile: Akademisk Forlag

Forlag Malling Beck

Albertslund, Denmark

One of the leading Danish educational publishers: Books and ICT materials for pre-schools, primary, secondary, and upper secondary schools. The publications cover all subjects and FMB is leading in the fields of mathematics and sciences.

Publisher profile: Forlag Malling Beck

Forlaget ?løkke

Braedstrup, Denmark

Educational publishers. From lower primary to upper secondary. All subject areas but mainly modern languages IT-books. History and geography.

Publisher profile: Forlaget ?løkke

4 publishers in the the directory of education publishing companies of Denmark
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