Fiction Publishers' Directory of Netherlands

Listing 1 to 10 of 12 Fiction publishers listed in the Dutch publishers directories

Page 1 of 2 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Netherlands that are listed under 'Fiction Publishers. Remove 'Netherlands' filter to see all fiction publishers' directory. Remove 'Fiction' filter to see the list of all Dutch publishers

18.02 publishing

Duiven, Netherlands

18.02 publishes beautiful ideas like books, (card)games, postcards and all other products that are possible to publish

Publisher profile: 18.02 publishing

Uitgeverij De Geus

Breda, Netherlands

Publisher of fiction. Baricco, Barker, Frame, Jelloun, Kemal, Mahfoez, Makine, Proulx, Shields, Toer, Wassmo, Fo, Fredriksson, Cercas, Cismeros, Maalouf, De Beauvoir, Mernissi, Angelou. Walser, Su Tong, Abdolah, Munoz Molina, Axelsson, Shauna Singh Baldwin, Camilleri, Johnston, Van der Jagt, Slov...

Publisher profile: Uitgeverij De Geus

De Bezige Bij

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dutch literature, international literary fiction and non-fiction.

Publisher profile: De Bezige Bij

The House Of Books

Vianen, Netherlands

The House of Books is an internationally oriented, general, commercial publishing house. It publishes successful fiction, non-fiction children's and juvenile books.

Publisher profile: The House Of Books

Ambo Anthos Uitgevers

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Publishers of literary fiction and non-fiction, biography, history, modern and classical literature, philosophy, psychology, social sciences and literary thrillers.

Publisher profile: Ambo Anthos Uitgevers

Podium bv

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Independent publishing house for Dutch and foreign fiction and non-fiction.

Publisher profile: Podium bv

Artemis & Co.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Publishers of literary fiction & non-fiction, biography, modern & classical literature, psychology, social sciences, narrative non-fiction and women issues.

Publisher profile: Artemis & Co.

Nederlands Literair Productieen Vertalingenfonds/Foundation for the Production & Translation of Dutch Literature

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Promotion, information and translation grants on Dutch literature, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry and children's books.

Publisher profile: Nederlands Literair Productieen Vertalingenfonds/Foundation for the Production & Translation of Dutch Literature

Rebo International B.V.

Lisse, Netherlands

REBO International B.V. is part of the REBO Publishers group. We are publishing non fiction books for many years now. As you might know we try to expand our list with many new titles every year. So this time we have added series such as Body and Healt, Art and of coure new titles in our series of...

Publisher profile: Rebo International B.V.

Uitgeverij Ad. Donker

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Since 1938 or sixty-nine years of independent publishing in the areas of fiction, history, psychology and education.

Publisher profile: Uitgeverij Ad. Donker

12 publishers in the the directory of fiction publishing companies of Netherlands
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