Cheng & Tsui, an independent publisher and distributor for nearly 30 years, specializes in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Southeast Asian language learning materials, and books about Asian art, history, literature, and culture for people of all ages.
Publisher profile: Cheng & Tsui Company
PMPH-USA is a small, growing, and dynamic international publisher which provides clinical and reference textbooks for physicians, specialized clinicians, librarians, and students. We provide essnetial information for medical professionals in print and electronic formats, including textbooks, CD-R...
Publisher profile: PMPH-USA
Business, economics, music & nature books with global success. Sales, leadership, innovation, social styles, careers, customer service. Corky Siegel's Let Your Music Soar puts emotion and dynamics in your music. Color-photo books on wolves and deer.
Publisher profile: Nova Vista Publishing