Performing Arts Publishers' Directory of Australia

Listing all 3 Performing Arts publishers listed in the Australian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Australia that are listed under 'Performing Arts Publishers. Remove 'Australia' filter to see all performing arts publishers' directory. Remove 'Performing Arts' filter to see the list of all Australian publishers

Manticore Press

Colac, Australia

Manticore Press is a publisher of non-fiction located in Australia and selling to a global market. Manticore primarily accepts manuscripts on the arts or humanities. As such, our focus is predominantly on semi-academic level publications.

Publisher profile: Manticore Press

Feather Knight Books

Morwell, Australia

Feather Knight Books is a traditional/progressive publishing company that now offers services for writers and authors who wish to self-publish. Check out our competitive price guide and itemised professional services.

Publisher profile: Feather Knight Books

Currency Press


Australia's performing arts publisher offering theatre, music, and film and television publications.

Publisher profile: Currency Press

3 publishers in the the directory of performing arts publishing companies of Australia
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