Crabtree Publishing Company is dedicated to producing high-quality books and educational products for K-9+. Each resource blends accuracy, immediacy, and eye-catching illustration with the goal of inspiring nothing less than a life-long interest in reading and learning in children.
Publisher profile: Crabtree Books is an eco-friendly, trusted ePublisher and a convenient, cost effective eStore where you can buy quality eBook guides for life's experiences. We publish eBooks that cover a variety of topics such as 'how-to' guides, inspirational works, poetry, memoirs and nove...
Publisher profile:
Bryler Publications Inc. is a traditional book publisher that focuses on new authors. We also offer a self-publishing option.
Publisher profile: Bryler Publications
Les Éditions Dédicaces ont été fondées au mois de mars 2009.
Publisher profile: Éditions Dédicaces inc.