International federation of associations of translators, interpreters and terminologists, grouping more than 100 associations from all over the world. Its purpose is to promote professionalism in the disciplines it represents.
Publisher profile: Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs International Federation Of Translators
At Self-Counsel Press, our goal is to provide high-quality business and legal self-help titles, authored by experts, but written in clear, easily understood language. We help others help themselves!.
Publisher profile: Self-Counsel Press Ltd
QA International is a leading publisher and packager of visually innovative reference books and multimedia products. Recognized for its outstanding design, eye-catching illustrations and solid content.
Publisher profile: QA International
Éditions Goélette became known outside Canada's borders with Goélette International, offering game-books, novels, documentaries, a wide range of activity books, cookbooks and
Publisher profile: Goélette international
Jigsaw is a successful publishing company with a reputation for providing advertisers with unique opportunities to deliver their message effectively to a highly desirable and targeted audience through N.I.M 's(newspaper inserted magazines)
Publisher profile: Jigsaw