Donzelli: books of ideas was the first slogan thought in 1992 to launch the new independent publishing about to be founded: it still sums up the spirit of the house, publish good book, long sellers, for a well-educated and refined readership.
Publisher profile: Donzelli Editore
Independent publishing house founded in 1986. Quality Italian and foreign fiction and non-fiction. History, archieology and poetry. Among the main players in the Italian book market in terms of quality, visibility and media coverage.
Publisher profile: Bonfirraro editore
Art, local history, archaeology, poetry, religions, folk traditions, essays on psychology, sociology, science, anthropology, handbooks, sport, cookery, fiction.
Publisher profile: Newton Compton Editori Srl
Books and journals for religious and biblical studies. Practice of spirituality at different levels, education, psychology, history and evolution of church, current theological and moral problems, oecumenical studies. Christian presence in modern world.
Publisher profile: Dehoniana Libri, S.p.A.
Children's books, illustrated books, young adults, commercial women fiction, non-fiction, parenting, history and science children's books, entertainment, comics, theatre, poetry.
Publisher profile: Adriano Salani Editore S.p.A.
Books and journals for religious and biblical studies. Practice of spirituality at different levels, education, psychology, history and evolution of church, current theological and moral issues, oecumenical studies, Christian presence in modern world.
Publisher profile: C.E.D. Centro Editoriale Dehoniano, S.p.A.
Founded in october 1995 Simonelli Editore from the beginning looked at the digital future of the publishing industry.
Publisher profile: Simonelli Editore srl
Material for the teaching of the Italian language to foreigners (books, audiovisuals). Other publications: history essays, literary criticism.
Publisher profile: Bonacci editore
LEdizioni - Ledipublishing is a scholarly publisher, offering worldwide distribution services (Italy and abroad). Offers POD and online publishing services both to authors and other publishers.
Publisher profile: Ledizioni/LediPublishing
LED Edizioni Universitarie is an academic publisher in the Social sciences and Humanities. Born in 1991, LED has achieved a high standard of specialization in university research publications and textbooks.
Publisher profile: LED Edizioni Universitarie Srl