Donzelli: books of ideas was the first slogan thought in 1992 to launch the new independent publishing about to be founded: it still sums up the spirit of the house, publish good book, long sellers, for a well-educated and refined readership.
Publisher profile: Donzelli Editore
LEdizioni - Ledipublishing is a scholarly publisher, offering worldwide distribution services (Italy and abroad). Offers POD and online publishing services both to authors and other publishers.
Publisher profile: Ledizioni/LediPublishing
Publisher of foreign and Italian fiction and historical novels. The non-fiction titles cover politics, current events, history, social sciences and cultural studies.
Publisher profile: Marco Tropea Editore
The Italian publisher who can supply paths of Italian culture in English: Italian authors mainly, focused on philosophy, psychology, education, management, social and human sciences. All books available through our e-commerce website too.
Publisher profile: IPOC di Pietro Condemi
New publisher (founded in April 1992). History, human and social sciences, popular culture, art, literature. It publishes 20 titles a year (academic and general books) and some journals of history, social sciences and politics.
Publisher profile: AM & D Edizioni