Philosophy, history, pedagogy, dictionary, bibical literature, theoology, patrology, religious life, magazines: Città Nuova, Umanità Nuova, Unità e Carismi.
Publisher profile: Città Nuova Editrice
Religion, biblical literature, theology, liturgy, psychology, spirituality, educational books, high quality illustrated children's books and photographic books.
Publisher profile: Paoline-Editoriale Libri
Fiction and non-fiction, children's books, religious books.
Publisher profile: Edizioni Piemme SpA
Religion, biblical literature, theology, liturgy, psychology, spirituality, dictionaries, educational books, high quality illustrated children's books and photographic books for international co-editions, electronic publisher.
Publisher profile: Edizioni San Paolo s.r.l.
Books and journals for religious and biblical studies. Practice of spirituality at different levels, education, psychology, history and evolution of church, current theological and moral problems, oecumenical studies. Christian presence in modern world.
Publisher profile: Dehoniana Libri, S.p.A.
Religious and liturgical books, text-books, theology, educational books, bible studies, non-fiction for children, youth and adults, audiovisual aids, videos, electronic publishing, CD-ROM.
Publisher profile: Elledici
Books and journals for religious and biblical studies. Practice of spirituality at different levels, education, psychology, history and evolution of church, current theological and moral issues, oecumenical studies, Christian presence in modern world.
Publisher profile: C.E.D. Centro Editoriale Dehoniano, S.p.A.
Scientific, university, cultural, religious essays, textbooks, magazines.
Publisher profile: Vita e Pensiero-Pubblicazioni dell'Università Cattolica
Alchemy, new age, psychology, parapsychology, occult, magic, sport, astrology, spiritism, ufology, eastern and western religions and philosophy, yoga and zen meditation, medicine, alternative medicine, miscellaneous.
Publisher profile: Edizioni Mediterranee s.r.l.
Religion, theology, philosophy, religious pedagogy, bible, four magazines.
Publisher profile: Editrice Queriniana