Children's Publishers' Directory of Italy

Listing 11 to 20 of 34 Children's publishers listed in the Italian publishers directories

Page 2 of 4 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Italy that are listed under 'Children's Publishers. Remove 'Italy' filter to see all children's publishers' directory. Remove 'Children's' filter to see the list of all Italian publishers

Simonelli Editore srl

Milano, Italy

Founded in october 1995 Simonelli Editore from the beginning looked at the digital future of the publishing industry.

Publisher profile: Simonelli Editore srl

Societa' Apostolato San Paolo Srl

Milano, Italy

Societa' Apostolato San Paolo spans from spirituality, bible, theology, liturgy and philosophy, media and cultural studies, psychology, sociology, family, children and youth through comics, magazines and multimedia products.

Publisher profile: Societa' Apostolato San Paolo Srl

Erga Edizioni Dal 1964

Genova, Italy

The Publishing house Erga Edizioni was founded in 1964 and it has already published about 1350 titles. It publishes the international magazine "LG argomenti" of literature for young people. We are specialized on the following subjects for young people and teachers: theater at school, opera for ch...

Publisher profile: Erga Edizioni Dal 1964

Il Giornalino Periodici San Paolo s.r.l

Milano, Italy

Il Giornalino is one of Italy's most populr weekly magazines for children aged 8 to 13. Draw on the idea that learning can be fun using comics strips and creativity.

Publisher profile: Il Giornalino Periodici San Paolo s.r.l

Dami International

Milano, Italy

High-quality illustrated books for young children in a variety of novelty formats as well as characters for worldwide licensing and development.

Publisher profile: Dami International

Fatatrac S.R.L.

Firenze, Italy

All original books for children by italian writers and italian illustrators.

Publisher profile: Fatatrac S.R.L.

Zoolibri di Rabitti Corrado

Reggio Emilia, Italy

Independent publishing house at its 7th year working. Producing children's books and juvenile books. Specialized in quality picture books. Trading worldwide both by buying and selling rights.

Publisher profile: Zoolibri di Rabitti Corrado

Sillabe Srl

Livorno, Italy

Publishing house specialised in art with over 400 titles: guidebooks, exhibition catalogues, critical essays, books for children, monographs and art stationery. From painting, sculpture, architecture to applied arts, cinema, fashion, graphics.

Publisher profile: Sillabe Srl

La Coccinella srl

Varese, Italy

Leader in board books with more than 25 years of experience. Specialized in die-cut board books for playing and learning, that help children to improve their logical, expressive and manual skills and to develop inventiveness and fantasy.

Publisher profile: La Coccinella srl



Eris Program Srl is a publishing company based in Milan. The company's magazines are specialized and focused on strategic markets like design and development of durable goods, packaging, new materials for new applications, plastics, engineering and maintenance of systems.

Publisher profile: ERIS PROGRAM Srl

34 publishers in the the directory of children's publishing companies of Italy
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